By Marie Sherlock
Note: This is the last – for now! – in a string of posts on The Doors of France. I reserve the right to travel to France, take copious photos of amazing entryways – and continue this series. 🙂
If you are an aficionado – or, at minimum, a wannabe aficionado, as I am – of small French towns, you’ve probably heard of the organization Les Plus Beaux Villages de France. Founded in 1982, this group designates and promotes “the most beautiful small towns of France.” France has – all told – roughly 36,000 “municipalities” and, thus far, 158 have been selected for inclusion in this select group.
Aveyron is a magical French destination ensconced in the center south of France. Although it is but one of the 96 official departements of France, Aveyron boasts more plus beaux villages than any other French department.
And, where you find those beautiful little hamlets, you’re going to find more enchanting, sublime, feasts-for-the-eyes doors.
Conques is magical! It’s also an important stop on the Le Puy portion of the popular Camino de Santiago – and you’ll undoubtedly see pilgrims most any time of year you visit. The cathedral is immense and majestic; the entire city is a maze of cobblestone pathways and arches; and the doors are transcendent.

Estaing is another stop on the Le Puy portion of the Camino, though less famous than Conques. But it is a stunning medieval village hugging the Lot River (see the first photo below).

Saint Eulalie-d’Olt – and Beyond